
Showing posts from January, 2021

The Change of Address Tool Makes Its Place Again in Google Search Console

  Yet again, Google launched its new rocket of update that brings the Change of Address tool, previously seen in the older version of Search Console, back in the game. This feature may change the working patterns of any  SEO services in India  by a significant margin. When the complete package of insights and growth rate of your website is offered to you for free. It is only sensible to make the best of it. The next time you log in to Google Search Console with the intention of improving your website’s SEO, you’d know better than just accepting what’s visible. What is Google Search Console? The free solution for understanding your website’s performance on the search engine, google search console. It  primarily helps you view your website’s visibility from the search engine’s (Google) perspective. Transitioning from the name of Google Webmaster Tools, it has risen to fame due to its all-encompassing potential, among entrepreneurs, content marketers,  SEO services India , site administr

Image SEO : How to Optimize Images for Google Image Search SEO?

  Web image optimization   is a process of delivering high-quality images in the correct format, dimension, size and resolution while maintaining the smallest size possible. Image optimization can be performed by resizing pictures, caching or compressing the volume using  the  best SEO tools .   It has been demonstrated that pictures are important in linking consumers to your products. If your website requires more than 3 seconds to load, it is more probable to be abandoned by customers, which will boost your bounce rate drastically and eventually impact your conversions.  Image optimization helps improve page load velocity, boosts SEO ranking on websites, and enhances user experience. So, let us know in detail about the hacks to  image optimizer .   1. Examine Page Load time  Google Analytics tools and characteristics must be used. For example, you can determine the load speed of the site and page. Typically, heavy pages of websites may tend to load slower owing to the presence of pic