Negative Seo Tactics 2019

There are two aspects that reign in the Internet world. Good quality content and SEO. To increase traffic on the website, one should focus on these two aspects. It will help the audience to get engaged and will help to rank the website on the first page of the search engine.

 Digital marketing is one of the strategies to promote a website and create awareness among the targeted audience. Now, there’s a type of SEO emerged to demolish the website called Negative SEO.
What is Negative SEO? 

Unethical techniques and black hat are used to eliminate the competitor’s ranking on Google. It is usually done by building spam links to the targeted website and using inappropriate words pointed to the website. They will shove in bad SEO strategies to demolish the website. There are SEO services in India that can wreck the threat. 

How to avoid Negative SEO impacts on the website?

    Use Google Setup Webmaster tools: This will help the owner of the website to receive alerts on connectivity, or any manual penalty from Google.
    Prevent low-quality backlinks: Someone might do negative SEO on the website by spreading low-quality backlinks. One can use tools SEO tools like Ahref or Open site explorer to keep a track on the backlinks of the website.
•    Google Authentication Plugin: If one’s website is powered by WordPress, installing Google Authentication Plugin will create 2-step verification to avoid hackers and malware on the website.
    Content check: Shoving the same content everywhere is one of the aspects of Negative SEO. To check whether if your website content is used somewhere else, you can use
Are you already a victim of Negative SEO?
    Make a list: To remove the backlinks, one needs to make the list of backlinks that need to be removed.
•    Remove bad links: Try to contact the website owner to remove back link. If one can’t find it, use to find the contact email address.
    Google Disavow tool: This tool will help you to submit backlinks not found to Google Webmaster.

One can take help of SEO service provider in Delhi that can help one to rank the website and take care of Negative SEO. To surge the website, one can hire a digital marketing agency in Delhi. In the same way, an SEO service provider in Delhi and NCR will help to increase the traffic.


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