E commerce SEO Checklist For 2019

No matter how big your E-commerce website is, you still need your potential customers to find you easily. You need to build a powerful E-commerce SEO strategy in order to boost your sales and to stay ahead of your competitors. 
Your eCommerce SEO strategy must include steps to optimize your website, conducting keyword researches, writing proper product description, building website authority in search engines, and monitoring SEO errors.
You can also outsource digital marketing services to a company that provides SEO services in Delhi and focus on other parts of your business such as expanding to a new geographical location. 
Let’s have a look at these eCommerce SEO tips in a broad manner. 
  1. Optimizing Your eCommerce Website: Make sure that your website is mobile-friendly as huge of eCommerce traffic comes from mobile devices. Also, it is important to build a responsive and easy-to-navigate website. Users jump off if they find it difficult to look for the products they need. 

  2. Conduct Keyword Research: In order to attract qualified buyers, you need to know what your target audience is looking for on the internet. Make sure that you have a list of both head keywords as well as long-tail keywords that target your potential buyers. 

  3. Write a proper product description: This is the most important eCommerce SEO tips. You need to craft product description properly that not only includes relevant keywords but also explains everything about the product in as short as possible.

  4. Build Website authority in Search Engines: Off-page SEO techniques are as important as on-page SEO. On-page SEO helps you enhance your website’s visibility while off-page SEO helps you build authority for your website. Make sure you have a strong social media presence. Establish credibility with search engines by listing your website on local directories and GMB (Google my business) and try to obtain as many high-authority backlinks as possible. 

  5. Monitor Your Website for SEO errors: Even a small SEO error can have a huge impact on your website’s rankings on SERPs. Check for common SEO errors such as:

  • Keyword Cannibalization – multiple pages targeting the same keyword
  • Keyword Stuffing – including a large number of keywords in a single content/meta tags 
  • Duplicate content/description – same content for multiple products
  • Validate on-page SEO for each page
  • Fix broken links
  • Ensure payment and conversion process performance across various devices
Final Thoughts

Keyword research plays an important role in on-page SEO while backlinks and strong social media presence are crucial for off-page SEO.
A regular SEO audit can help you rule all the potential SEO errors your website might have. It’s always better to hire an agency that has the experience of doing SEO for an eCommerce website such as SEO Services India.
Being the top SEO agency in India, SEO Services India can help you increase your website’s ranking in SERPs as well as your conversion rate. 


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